Southern Roots Brewpub Project


While officially founded in Waco, Texas in 2018, the story of Southern Root’s beers began before that. The Southern Roots team began home brewing as a hobby, toying with different recipes and learning the process of brewing great beers. After a few brews, they noticed the neighbors were finding more excuses to swing by and grab a glass (or three) of their beer.

After the success with the neighbors, the team decided to brew beer exclusively for a family members wedding. As they hauled empty kegs home, they figured they had a pretty good set of recipes. After brewing a special beer exclusively for another family members wedding, as they hauled more empty beer kegs home, they realized were on to something special.

After many more successful brew sessions, they began to realize they would soon run out of family weddings to showcase their beers and decided to take the great leap to open their brewpub.

​That’s is where Bespoke Brewing Solutions came into the picture! We provided a full turnkey solution for a 7BBL brewery in a brewpub/restaurant environment. This included a grain delivery system made up of malt mill, grist case and auger, 2-vessel (M/LT * KT/WP) combined vessels, manually operated, steam heated brewhouse with wort pumps. 15BBL HLT, 15BBL CLT, 15 & 30BBL Uni FVs, mobile pump, banded brewery hose and auxiliary componentry.


Another interesting project as we not only needed to again deliver a fully functional and efficient designed brewery to fit into the allocated space, we also needed to support the Southern Roots team with expertise and guidance throughout the whole process. From design elements of the brewhouse, to process flow in the brewery itself, BBS and SR worked together to design, fabricate, ship, install, consult and complete one of the finest brewpub establishments in the Southern States!


The first challenges we faced when the equipment arrived on location in Texas was unloading & rigging. With this being completely new to the Southern Roots team, BBS provided round the clock support to make sure all aspects of unloading, transporting and standing up equipment was considered. This was not only challenging due to different time zones, it was also important to us that we made sure the team were working safely to protect themselves and the equipment.

Challenges of fabrication elements of the equipment were an interesting lesson for us. As the US has certain standards for electrical motors etc., BBS needed to make sure all certifications were in place for the relevant commissioners to sign off on the equipment.

Bespoke Brewing Solutions Advantages

With the craft beer scene in Waco still developing but developing fast, this was a great project for BBS to not only showcase our equipment, but also for us to help Southern Roots support the craft beer scene in that part of Texas. Waco is known around the world for historical events, fixing up, the western white house, and very soon some of the best craft beers in the USA. 

Thinking About Starting a Brewery?

Leave it to us. Our experienced team will help you to customise the best solution for you.

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